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The Best Week Ever!

Posted on July 23 2017

Life is crazy. It's either moving quicker than we can keep up with, or dragging at a snail's pace, leaving us desperate to hightail it into the next chapter. It may feel at times like nothing's going right, and in an instant all the good fortune of the universe is pouring onto you. That's just how life is; And at this point in my career (and personal life) I've seen and experienced this time and time again. While I'm no stranger to the cycle of ebbs and flows, I also firmly believe that positive thinking combined with hard work can make you unstoppable. And while luck happens, we are much better off manifesting our destiny through positivity and action. 

No matter how you slice it, Charla Tedrick just had kinda the best week EVER and thought we'd recap! Because on those days that the clouds feel they're covering with impending doom, it's mega important to remember the small victories and stay positive that the sun will come out again. Because it will. It always does. 

Monday night we caught Ash Costello, lead singer of band New Years Day sporting my "Summer Punx" platforms while hosting the red carpet at the Alternative Press Music Awards in Cleveland, Ohio! 


This week we also announced some fun news: Charla Tedrick is going to London!

We'll be first time exhibitors at the long running alternative fashion tradeshow London Edge and are beyond excited! Check out the London Edge blog brand spotlight feature on Charla Tedrick here! 

And to top it all off, I recently got to share a bit about my journey and experience with Alternative Press magazine! The feature went live on Wednesday and you can catch the full article here! 


Feeling really grateful to have some great experiences under my belt, and stoked for so much more exciting shit to come. I believe the key is always perspective. Ya gotta keep your eye on where it is you're trying to go, but remember where you came from. No one promised a smooth sail. But the ride is truly what it's all about. Sending so much love & rock n' roll. 


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